Session 1201: Novel Molecular Therapies
Cochair(s): J Gluckman, J Cibelli
Date: Tue 12 February 2002,
Time: 08:30 - 10:30
Location: CIS Auditorium
Oral Presentations
Time |
Number |
Title / Authors / Affiliations |
08:30 |
489 |
J Gibbs, C Buser, J
Department of Cancer
Research and Medicinal Chemistry, Merck Research
Laboratories, West Point, PA [ok] |
08:45 |
490 |
Telomerase as a
target for anticancer therapy
JW Shay
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Email: |
09:00 |
491 |
A Albini, F Tosetti, U Pfeffer, D Bisacchi, N
Laboratory of Molecular
Biology, Department of Health Sciences, Istituto
Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genoa,
Italy |
09:30 |
492 |
Novel actions of
inhibitors of dna topoisomerase i
WT Beck, Y Mo, PL Rachel, R Patel
of Molecular Genetics1 and Pharmaceutics and
Pharmacodynamics, 2The University of Illinois
at Chicago, Chicago, IL USA |
09:15 |
493 |
therapy of human leukemia
L Degos
Institut Universitaire
dHématologie, Hopital St Louis, AP-HP - Paris -
France |
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