2004 Meeting OverviewProgram OverviewAt this international forum, clinical and basic investigators survey the breakthroughs in science and technology that are impacting on emerging dimensions of cancer control. Their scientific debate for evidence-based intervention strategies is empowered by the new understanding of molecular events affecting the complex biology and genetics of oncogenesis. The scientific program aims to translate the cornerstones of this knowledge into paradigms for improving the outcomes in predictive and preventive oncology. The meeting is intended to foster cooperation between universities, research institutes and other enterprises engaged in biomedical and translational research. This uniquely integrated curriculum systematically delivers state-of-the-art perspectives on cancer:
AudienceAttendance will be valuable to experimental, molecular, and clinical ongologists, public health scientists, and those engaged in biomedical technologies and translational research including biochemistry, biology, epidemiology and biostatistics, genetics, immunology, nursing oncology, pathology, psychosocial medicine, toxicology, and virology. FormatOral presentations
A question-and-answer period follows each presentation. Supplemental discussion is foreseen during the poster sessions. Authors of oral papers are also invited to display posters of their work. Poster presentationsAuthors expressing preference for poster presentations will discuss their work within two 60-minute periods organized by the Poster Chairpersons. The poster displays are mounted for a full day in sessions grouped according to Symposia topics. Prioritized Risks for Cancer Prevention Diagram
The major links between risks and targets reflect the importance of lifestyle for cancer prevention. It also reflects some symposia topics that address cofactorial influences on risk avoidance and preventive strategies. |
This Page Last Updated01 July 2004
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