Hotel and Housing Information for Nice 2004 ParticipantsHotelsAll hotels are within a 5-minute walk to the venue. Rates include taxes and continental breakfast.
† If prices within a category vary by hotel, the lowest price is shown. Hotel ReservationsTo reserve rooms at the special meeting rates, contact the official housing agent directly. You may use this printable hotel form. A first night deposit in Euros guarantees the reservation. A cheque or credit card number is acceptable. Refund of deposit will be made up to 72 hours prior to the date of arrival. A handling charge of €31 will be deducted from the refund. Rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. You must notify the housing agency of any changes or cancellation. Official Housing AgentThe official housing agent is Voyages Mathez. They can be reached as follows:
Headquarters HotelsThe Westminster will serve as the headquarters hotel and host the plenary sessions and posters. The breakout sessions will be split between the two hotels, with most of them at the West End. For photos and more information, see the hotels' own websites: |
This Page Last Updated01 July 2004
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